Improv school


About Improv School

Improv is good for your heart, risible muscle and all senses. It sharpens your perception and respect. It is about playing, following, leading, letting go and fooling around. Improv gives energy, makes you feel good and it makes you smart.





When you decide to get deeper into improvising after a taster weekend, you can start as a Beginner and continue as an Advanced. We recommend two Beginner's and two Advanced classes before moving on to the Stage Class. But ultimately, its your decision for how long you want to participate in each level. Please notice, that you can attend Stage Class only once. If you want to continue improvising after Stage Class the Impro4ever-Classes with different improv topics are open to you. At the Impro Sessions you have the chance to perform in front of the audience. Maybe you also find companions at the workshops to find your own improv ensemble ... If you are already playing in an improv group but still want to improve your skills, just take part in our Performer Classes.

No matter what level you are improvising in, we look forward to you and wish you a lot of joy, fun and courage!

To Try Out



Curious to see what improv's all about? Try it! If you want, you can continue with a beginner's class afterwards.

Neue Kurse in Vorbereitung




After participating in a Taster Weekend (required), you're learning the basic skills of good improvisation. Each instructor defines these a little differenty. But we all agree: different ideas are the salt in the improv-soup. Playfulness, courage and mindfulness are the most important ingredients. We recommend two consecutive classes in the beginner's level before you move on to the next level. Because practice makes perfect.

Neue Kurse in Vorbereitung

Beginners / Advanced



These mixed courses are for both absolute beginners and experienced students. After all, it’s all about playing with each other!
If this is your first time improvising, let the buffs pull you along and show you the ropes. As for all you experienced players - you’ll benefit from remembering the basics of improv, and the ‘newbies' might even breathe some new life into your performance! Have fun!

17.03. - 26.05.2025 Evening Class Beginners/Advanced Monday with Inbal Lori + Lee White (en)
with Inbal Lori and Lee White

Duration: Monday Mar 17, 2025 - May 26, 2025 (without April 7th and April 21st 2025)
Course Times: always 7:30 PM - 10:00 PM
Course Units (2:30 hrs. each): 9
Course Fee: EUR 209.00
Registration Deadline: Mar 7, 2025
Location: ETI, Rungestraße 20, 10179 Berlin

Here you can find more info about our Price structure, Registration Requirements and General Terms and Conditions




You understood the improv-basics, laughed a lot and sometimes quarreled with yourself. You are now standing at the threshold to the next step. And that is continuous rehearsing. In some (marked) courses of this level there is an improv musician teaching every now and then, that you can learn how music guides you through a scene. Practice in this level as long as you need to feel ready for Stage Class.

07.01. - 11.03.2025 Evening Class Advanced Tuesday with Inbal Lori and Lee White (en)
with Inbal Lori and Lee White

Duration: Tuesdays Jan 7, 2025 - Mar 11, 2025
Course Times: always 7:30 PM - 10:00 PM
Course Units (2:30 hrs. each): 10
Course Fee: EUR 229,--
Location: ETI, Rungestraße 20, 10179 Berlin

Here you can find more info about our Price structure, Registration Requirements and General Terms and Conditions
18.03. - 27.05.2025 Evening Class Advanced Tuesday with Inbal Lori and Lee White (en)
with Inbal Lori and Lee White

Duration: Tuesdays Mar 18, 2025 - May 27, 2025 (without April 8th 2025)
Course Times: always 7:30 PM - 10:00 PM
Course Units (2:30 hrs. each): 10
Course Fee: EUR0 229,00
Registration Deadline: Mar 8, 2025
Location: ETI, Rungestraße 20, 10179 Berlin

Here you can find more info about our Price structure, Registration Requirements and General Terms and Conditions

Stage Class



On the last workshop day the whole class plays a show at the Ratibor Theater supported by their instructor. That's why in class you intensively practise acting and editing techniques, communication with the audience, and how you can support the other performers from off-stage. After the show there will be a final feedback meeting. And then you are ready for the next level: Impro4ever. 

Neue Kurse in Vorbereitung

Advanced/ Impro4ever


Neue Kurse in Vorbereitung



After you have gained some stage experience, you can now go deeper and deeper into improv. Either you continue to practice in the open »playground«-classes or/and you attend thematic courses on special topics (acting, dramaturgy, music, long forms,... ). See what interests you, brings you further and makes you happy. And maybe you'll even meet people with whom you'd like to start your own improv group. So keep your eyes open, and your heart too!

Neue Kurse in Vorbereitung

Open Stage


Maybe you will also find new fellows at the Open Stages, where everyone is allowed on stage, and start your own impro ensemble...

02. MRZ
Open Stage
18. MAI
Open Stage


New courses start in January, March, May, after summer break and in October/November.
The following conditions apply for our courses.
The application conditions for festival courses and workshop trips you will find in the according description.
Vouchers for workshops you get here.