Business Theatre
Improv show for your company party
An interactive, entertaining theatre event about your theme
Purpose: for anniversaries, summer festivals, Christmas parties, opening events and conferences
Duration: 20-90 minutes
Location: your offices, event locations, hotels, the TV tower’s restaurant, Ratibor Theater and upon consultation
We will stage the company history, the last sales pitch or the latest big project. Be it an internal or public event with an informative or festive character: we’ll present a varied, funny and energetic stage show which takes a humoristic look at the themes, actively involves the audience and is very entertaining.

Our improv shows take business theatre to a new level: we’ll play scenes and make up songs about your themes, making spontaneous use of the audience’s suggestions in our play. Participants will recognise themselves on stage, the humoristic change of perspective serves as a diversion and will be an excellent contrast to the rest of the event’s programme. This works even with the driest of themes as we will fill company- and industry-specific details with emotion while placing them in new relationships. Our business shows will wake up morning conferences with refreshing entertainment, round off parties and festivities with amusing scenes and delight participants with spontaneous, varied theatre experiences in a work context. The result from a business point of view: strengthening the staff’s identification with the company and the theme.

One of many options for collecting the perspectives and attitudes of the participants and guests is the note game: we’ll collect the audience’s impressions, their personal highlights of the event, the boss‘ favourite catchwords, the decisive realisation of the year or the like by distributing Post-it notes before the show with the request to jot down some titbit about the company, the event or the buffet’s choice of cakes – anonymously, of course. This will lower the inhibition threshold for addressing all sorts of things and will greatly expand the repertoire of themes and jokes on stage.
The Gorillas‘ business theatre shows can be included in the programme in short shows of 20 minutes as requested, but a full-length evening show for Christmas parties etc. are also a hit. We are happy to offer you a customised show for your special occasion. We don’t shy away from shows in TV towers or on Baltic Sea cruises, either.

Send us a short request with information about the event. We will reply with a first offer as well as details of our technical requirements; we’ll fine-tune everything else in person. Following your instruction, we’ll cast the actors for your show and get you in touch with your artistic contact who will accompany you from 2-4 weeks before the event to do the contents briefing.
Florian Applflorian.appl@die-gorillas.deTel. +49 (0)30 4213046 |