Improv in Therapy



At the two-day symposium in March 2019, the following lectures were given:

Lecture 1

What is healing about Improv? Micro and macro, personal and relational growth processes in the improvisational encounter.
by Dr. Assael Romanelli (Tel Aviv, Israel), psychotherapist and supervisor

Lecture 2

Systemic therapy and improv. »Therapy - what a theatre, theatre – what a therapy!«
by Dipl.-Psych. Dörte Foertsch (Berlin, Germany), educational therapist and supervisor

Lecture 3

Accept – Copy – Cooperate. Experiences of interaction in group therapy, using methods of improv
by Barbara Klehr (Berlin, Germany), actress and musical therapist, and Regina Fabian (Berlin, Germany), systemic therapist and theater-educator; both co-founding members of »Die Gorillas«


The following workshops showed various aspects and approaches to improv in therapy:

Workshop 1

Assael Romanelli:
The Ninja Therapist: Improvisation skills for the (daring) clinician

Workshop 2

Randy Dixon:
Rubbing the lamp: Activating Image Through Improv

Workshop 3

Barbara Klehr / Regina Fabian:
Just do it! Spontaneity and Making Experiences, Improv in therapy


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